Grumpy Cat – Not Just An Ordinary Cat Anymore – DFW Pet Sitting

Have you ever wondered who is behind all these funny Grumpy Cat pictures floating around the internet?  All I want to know is which pet sitting company they are using!!  I'd love an assignment like this!! Apparently, this famous little fella isn't an ordinary cat these days.  Two years ago, the cat's owner's brother postedContinue reading "Grumpy Cat – Not Just An Ordinary Cat Anymore – DFW Pet Sitting"

Pet Proofing Your Home For The Holidays – DFW Pet Sitting

Pet proofing your home is an important step during preparation for the upcoming holidays. Baby-proofing a house has become a standard when a baby arrives however, pet proofing your home is no different.  We all know our babies' personalities and habits, and we learn how to keep our pets safe and our stuff secured. Holidays however may bring someContinue reading "Pet Proofing Your Home For The Holidays – DFW Pet Sitting"

Check Out These Tips on Keeping Pets Safe During Thanksgiving – DFW Pet Sitting

Keeping pets safe during any holidays may be tricky.  Here is some useful information on how to keep them safe during Thanksgiving. Keeping pets safe is our job as parents, and we usually do a pretty good job on a day in and day out basis.  Holidays however sometimes mess up our routines.  That's when weContinue reading "Check Out These Tips on Keeping Pets Safe During Thanksgiving – DFW Pet Sitting"

Why To Use A Professional Pet Sitter These Holidays

Hiring a professional pet sitter can be overwhelming and little scary.  DFW Pet Sitting would like to share some tips on what can make this process easier for you. Why do we even have holidays?  In my opinion, people have created them so that one can get away from the daily grind, relax, and enjoy life.Continue reading "Why To Use A Professional Pet Sitter These Holidays"

Sharing Why Everyone Needs A Dog Commercial – DFW Pet Sitting

Why Everyone Needs A Dog commercial by Purina shared by DFW Pet Sitting Services, Inc. This is indeed the best deal a man has ever made.  Dogs give us companionship, love, trust, brighten up our day, give us love and purpose.  All they ask for is to be loved, cared for and played with.  ThereContinue reading "Sharing Why Everyone Needs A Dog Commercial – DFW Pet Sitting"

Why Do Pet Owners and Their Pet Sitters Project Human Characteristics On Their Pets?

Yes, we observe it every day.  We also become more aware that we are not the only ones who think our pets are our babies. And we aren't crazy treating them like humans and well, sometimes even better than humans.   Pet sitters have a rare privilege to look inside the relationships between pet ownersContinue reading "Why Do Pet Owners and Their Pet Sitters Project Human Characteristics On Their Pets?"

The Perspective Of A Pet Sitter and Pet Owner

As a professional pet sitter, I work with living and breathing creatures daily. I couldn't stop reading this amazing TIME Magazine's new book.  We all know that the mind of an animal is different from the officially accepted scientific explanation. Anyone who has owned and/or interacted with animals closely will attribute to that.  I own andContinue reading "The Perspective Of A Pet Sitter and Pet Owner"

Bentley Has Been Rescued, But Should Pet Owners Be Concerned About Our Pets Spreading Ebola?

Dallas Animal Services and Adoption Center has successfully moved the Ebola patient's dog, Bentley, to an undisclosed location. The rescue team faced a challenging task. We truly value and appreciate their efforts, in hopes that we can learn more about the virus and how to control it. At this time, CDC points out that only batsContinue reading "Bentley Has Been Rescued, But Should Pet Owners Be Concerned About Our Pets Spreading Ebola?"