Best New Year’s Pet Resolutions | DFW Pet Sitting

Howdy, pet lovers! Welcome to the New Year’s Pet Resolutions contest! Yep, yep – you heard us right! Today, we are thinking like our four-legged babies. What if you could sit down with them and have a conversation over dinner? What would you talk about? In light of the most recent winter holidays, we askedContinueContinue reading “Best New Year’s Pet Resolutions | DFW Pet Sitting”

Meet Bandit, the winner of our Summer pet sitting contest!

At DFW pet sitting, we love getting to know our clients and share their stories. Our most recent contest took place this summer, and it brought oh so many warm and heart wrenching emotions to everyone who read the posts!  We asked our pet sitting customers to tell us things they have learned from theirContinueContinue reading “Meet Bandit, the winner of our Summer pet sitting contest!”

What I Have Learned From My Pets

Welcome to the End of Summer Giveaway: What I have learned from my pets. DFW Pet Sitting Services would like to honor all pet owners by sharing our clients’ stories and their pets’ pictures.  We asked our two-legged customers to tell us what they have learned from their pets and show us pictures of their four-legged babies.ContinueContinue reading “What I Have Learned From My Pets”

Voting Contest 2 – Dallas Fort Worth Pet Sitters

Welcome to our spring contest tailored for all Dallas Fort Worth Pet Sitters working for our company!  Our employees were given a question: If you had 30 seconds where your pet could understand you, what would you tell them? Enjoy heaps and heaps of cuteness and funny responses.  Please enter a comment and let us know your favorite.ContinueContinue reading “Voting Contest 2 – Dallas Fort Worth Pet Sitters”

Voting Contest 1 – Clients of DFW Pet Sitting Services

Welcome to DFW Pet Sitting Services clients voting contest!  Our clients who use our dog walking and pet sitting services were given a question: If you had 30 seconds where your pet could understand you, what would you tell them? Enjoy heaps and heaps of cuteness and funny responses.  Please enter a comment and let usContinueContinue reading “Voting Contest 1 – Clients of DFW Pet Sitting Services”

Pet Food is Dispensed When Bottles Are Deposited Into This Recycling Box

For every plastic bottle, this recycling machine dispenses pet food for stray animals. There are thousands of stray dogs and cats that live on the streets of Istambul, Turkey.  Pugedon, a Turkish design company, has developed a recycling machine that dispenses pet food each time when pedestrians deposit plastic bottles.  The machine is powered by solarContinueContinue reading “Pet Food is Dispensed When Bottles Are Deposited Into This Recycling Box”

Pet care tips in Dallas Fort Worth colder temperatures as the arctic front reaches us this week – DFW Pet Sitting

Brrrr!  Temps are dropping fast!  The following guidelines will give you some pet care tips in Dallas Fort Worth.  We don’t get cold here weather too often, so please make precautions to protect your furry babies! 1.  Do not leave the pets outside!  If you see other pets left outside, call 3-1-1.  These temperatures are tooContinueContinue reading “Pet care tips in Dallas Fort Worth colder temperatures as the arctic front reaches us this week – DFW Pet Sitting”