Pet Food is Dispensed When Bottles Are Deposited Into This Recycling Box

For every plastic bottle, this recycling machine dispenses pet food for stray animals.

cat sitting

There are thousands of stray dogs and cats that live on the streets of Istambul, Turkey.  Pugedon, a Turkish design company, has developed a recycling machine that dispenses pet food each time when pedestrians deposit plastic bottles.  The machine is powered by solar batteries.  Pet food costs are offset by the plastic that’s recovered.

What an amazing idea.  It is a small company that materialized a theory of what makes sense.  I absolutely love the idea of connecting the recycling of plastic to feeding stray animals.  Everything is connected in this world in nature.  Once people begin to connect things in business, we will then be able to achieve balance and harmony between free market, environment and people.  Hopefully the next step in progress will be realization of that there is no “us” and “them”.  It is this interconnectedness that will define true success and true progress.  I hope to see more businesses like this! 

Published by Olga Wharton

DFW Pet Sitting Services is not just a business for me. It's a close-knit family of pet sitters and pet owners. We all have one common denominator: our love for pets. We trust each other, we do the right thing, and we appreciate all the lessons our pets have taught us. Every day we are fortunate to experience the unconditional love of our pets. We never take it for granted. We are thankful for our clients and their pets for enriching our lives every day.

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