When your pet sitter has an emergency and can’t take care of your pets
If your pet sitter has an emergency, we follow a company protocol and would like to share it with you.
When you hire DFW Pet Sitting Services, we guarantee that the pet sitter you meet will be the only person entering your house. That will be the only person caring for your pets. We don’t like switching people around, and neither do you. But what happens if there is an emergency?
If you have NOT left town yet:
When we schedule services, we specify which pet sitter will take care of your pets. We will always notify you if your primary sitter is unavailable. We’ll tell you the name of your backup pet sitter and offer you an option to meet with them at no charge. You can choose to meet with them in person. If you don’t have time or interest in meeting them, it’s not a problem at all! You can schedule a phone call or leave a detailed note. The key will be transferred to your backup sitter with your permission. The new pet sitter’s name will be listed on your email confirmation.
If your primary pet sitter has an emergency and you haven’t left town yet, we’ll inform you immediately. That will allow you to meet with the backup sitter before your trip. You will always have the option to either meet in person or communicate electronically.
If you have already left town and your primary pet sitter has an emergency and can’t continue caring for your pets:
We will immediately notify you and explain the situation, what happened, and what we are doing. The office manager will ask for your permission to send a backup. We can schedule a phone call with the backup pet sitter if needed. You will have an option not to use the backup pet sitter and revert to your own emergency backup plan. We will always communicate with you and will NEVER send someone else to your home without you knowing about it.