Pet Sitter Spotlight – Nicole and her “Soul Wiener”

Today, a new tradition was born here at DFW Pet Sitting Services: A Pet Sitter Spotlight. I didn't plan it when I invited my employees to write for my company's blog. I had no idea that our pet sitters would consider sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Well, you don't know until you try! WhenContinue reading "Pet Sitter Spotlight – Nicole and her “Soul Wiener”"

Best New Year’s Pet Resolutions | DFW Pet Sitting

Howdy, pet lovers! Welcome to the New Year's Pet Resolutions contest! Yep, yep - you heard us right! Today, we are thinking like our four-legged babies. What if you could sit down with them and have a conversation over dinner? What would you talk about? In light of the most recent winter holidays, we askedContinue reading "Best New Year’s Pet Resolutions | DFW Pet Sitting"

Celebrating 15 years of professional pet sitting in Dallas Fort Worth!

Happy Birthday, DFW Pet Sitting! 15 years is what it takes to build the best team for pet sitting in Dallas Fort Worth. 15 years is how long it takes to meet the most amazing pet owners. Today, DFW Pet Sitting is lucky to look back and realize that it's been 15 wonderful years doingContinue reading "Celebrating 15 years of professional pet sitting in Dallas Fort Worth!"

Buy your pet sitter lunch! Or a cupcake… without spending ANY money!!

Thank you so much for taking part in making your pet sitter feel special! Your pet sitter will get $10 per each 5-star review. But please make sure to mention their name and your city - that's the only way we can track this! The cut-off date is May 25. Ready? Set? GO!!!! Please selectContinue reading "Buy your pet sitter lunch! Or a cupcake… without spending ANY money!!"

Winners of Our Latest Pet Sitting Contest

I swear we have the best pet sitting company in the world.  Our customers and employees are the ones who make it amazing. Our pet sitting contests are now becoming a regular occurrence these days.  We are a business of living and breathing creatures, both two legged and four-legged ones.  This time around, we askedContinue reading "Winners of Our Latest Pet Sitting Contest"

Thankful For Being Your Pet Sitter – DFW Pet Sitting

Being someone's pet sitter is probably the most rewarding job ever. We started a little simple contest "Please tell me things that you are grateful for about your pets".   I thought people would share a sentence or two with their pet sitter... I certainly underestimated how much I would learn from you.  You've sent meContinue reading "Thankful For Being Your Pet Sitter – DFW Pet Sitting"